The participating interests in WDL-WasserdienstleistungsGmbH (WDL GmbH) and VARINGER d.o.o. (now Komunala ODTOK d.o.o.) were spun off from Energie AG Oberösterreich Wasser GmbH to Energie AG Oberösterreich Umwelt Service GmbH (Umwelt Service GmbH) with retroactive effect from 30 September 2017. This will enable regional synergies to be leveraged due to the high degree of overlap in the market area and in the customer portfolio.
Also, on 12 October 2017, Energie AG Oberösterreich Personal Power GmbH was founded as a 100% subsidiary of Energie AG Oberösterreich Personalmanagement GmbH. The company acts as an intra-Group personnel leasing company.