Sustainability objectives



  • Ensuring sustainable financial stability and financial standing
  • Securing the company value
  • Implementing innovative business models that are fit for the future


  • Climate neutrality by 2035, subject to the proviso of guaranteed security of supply and waste management
  • Steady expansion of renewable energy: +1.2 TWh/a between now and 2035
  • Company fleet of electric cars to rise to 40% by 2024
  • Resource conservation
  • Warranting an environmentally friendly and legally compliant circular economy
  • Active positioning on the hydrogen market: seeking of appropriate investments, including the operation of up to four electrolysers and the sale of hydrogen


  • Reliability in supply and waste management services
  • Positioning ourselves as a responsible company
  • Building and maintaining sustainable client relationships
  • Expansion of e-mobility by 2035: up to 50,000 charging stations for electric vehicles in private homes, at work, for vehicle fleets and in public areas
  • Expansion of digital customer services
  • Maximum expansion of district heating wherever economically feasible
  • Support for the expansion of heat pumps through electricity supplies, on-site PPAs or financing


  • Further development of employer branding with a special focus on specific target groups
  • Personnel and management development, as well as high-quality apprenticeship programmes
  • Ensuring access to qualified personnel in the long term, for example by positioning the Company as a family-friendly employer
  • Improving all measures of diversity, equity and inclusion (age, gender, origin, etc.)


  • Compliance with laws and regulations to ensure genuinely fair competition
  • Ensuring a legally sound operational framework with regard to ESG compliance
  • Establishing awareness of compliance to strengthen the culture of compliance
  • Further development of compliance to minimise risks
  • Avoiding property damage and reputational damage