Czech Republic Segment

In the Czech Republic, Energie AG is pursuing two different operational models on the water and waste water management market. The operator model is defined as the public sector (cities, municipalities, communities) owning the infrastructure and outsourcing its operation by means of awarding long-term contracts (concessions, leases, leaseholds). In the asset owner model, Energie AG both operates and owns the infrastructure.

The Czech Republic Segment supplies its customers with drinking water as follows:

Drinking water in m3 mill.








Total procurement







Of which produced water







Of which water acquired from third parties







Total volume of drinking water invoiced







Energie AG's Heating business unit is supplying district heat and warm water to residential, commercial and industrial customers in the Czech Republic. The supply is, for example, supported by CHP plants and biomass heating plants as well as industrial exhaust heat.

The activities in the Czech Republic are illustrated using the key figures below.

Czech Republic Segment (organigram)
The key figures in the diagram (excluding heating sales) relate to the 2021/2022 fiscal year. The slight deviations from the previous year’s figures were due to contract periods or tenders won or lost. Due to the acquisition of RATE s.r.o., the length of the heating pipeline network increased in comparison with the previous year 2020/2021. The heat sales volume in the Czech Republic amounted to 197 GWh in the reporting period, almost matching the level of the previous year (198 GWh). In total, the decreases linked to the milder winter and savings on the part of customers compensated for the rise linked to the acquisition of RATE s.r.o. on 3 January 2022.

In fiscal year 2022/2023, the Czech Republic Segment supplied just short of 1 million people with approx. 48.9 million m3 of drinking water (previous year: approx. 49.2 million m3) and provides waste water management services to around 700,000 residents with around 45.2 million m3 waste water (previous year: approx. 45.2 million m3). Given that local authorities are responsible as the owners for renovating networks (except for one investment – VaK Beroun a.s.), Energie AG’s measures focus on locating and repairing leaks. In recent years, extensive investments have been made in modern hardware and software for hydraulic network modelling, as well as in expanding district metered areas, supplying equipment and providing employee training.

The measures taken in response to the turbulences on the European procurement market in fiscal year 2022/2023 include, for example, a distribution of the procurement risks among a number of suppliers and an intensified monitoring of market price trends. Despite the sometimes difficult political and economic conditions in Europe, drinking water supplies, waste water management services and heating supplies to homes, businesses and industry have never been at risk in the Czech Republic.

A benchmarking in accordance with the internationally accepted “unit water leakage” method paints a positive overall picture for the 90 supply areas (previous year: 69) that each have a population of more than 5,000. In fiscal year 2020/2021, 88% of the networks were in good condition, 9% in average condition and 3% in poor condition. For the 2021/2022 fiscal year, these values have changed to 88% in good condition, 6% in average condition and 6% (representing six municipalities) in poor condition. The results have deteriorated marginally at first glance, largely because of the (significantly) higher number of supply areas evaluated which were not subject to similar benchmarking in the past. The purpose of such evaluations is to extend the process to smaller supply areas and thereby continually improve water losses in those areas.

The business area “Heat” in the Czech Republic Segment supplies over 80,000 residents with district heat and provides installation services for municipalities and private customers with a focus on energy efficiency and CO2 reduction. The ongoing investments in generation systems and heat distribution networks deliver an improved security of supply and a better energy efficiency. In the Czech Republic, the Energie AG Group operates boiler houses with an installed thermal output between 50 kW and 20 MW. Measures aimed at increasing their efficiency and reducing their CO2 footprint are carried out regularly.

Effects of climate change on the business model

The effects of climate change within the operations area of the Czech Republic Segment requires a differentiation between specific regional aspects as well as the water/waste water and heat business areas. For the supply with drinking water, quantitative resource problems must be expected regionally as well as over the course of the year. Peak coverage from additional storage facilities will become necessary in the case of longer periods with little precipitation. In the area of waste water, an increasing frequency of localised to regional heavy rain events must be expected to overburden the sewage systems and sewage treatment plants.

The operator model is affected to a lesser degree by the described scenarios, because the infrastructure is owned by the municipalities, who are bearing the risk of having to adapt the infrastructure. Opportunities arise from the municipalities’ need for additional funding, leading to opportunities in the area of public-private partnerships (PPP). In the few cases where Energie AG entities own the infrastructure, additional investments for the development of new resources, for peak demand coverage, and for adaptation of the precipitation/stormwater drainage management must be expected.

In the business area Heat, the milder cold periods must be expected to result in declining heat sales. Financial assistance from the EU climate initiatives may reinforce the trend toward new, alternative, and decentralised options for heat supply. At the same time, these new developments and the rising demand for cooling supply offer the opportunity to develop additional business models.

Further information on performance and output data as well as key figures, benchmarking and environmental topics can be found at and, as well as in the Group Management Report, Czech Republic Segment.