Grid Segment

Netz OÖ GmbH is the electricity and gas grid operator in Upper Austria and parts of the states of Salzburg, Styria, and Lower Austria. The company also safeguards the operation of the electricity and gas grid. By 2035, some EUR 2 billion will have been invested in the expansion, retrofitting and maintenance of grids. These investments will assure a reliable and efficient energy supply for around 575,000 electricity and gas customers. Netz OÖ GmbH understands that it is an important part of the public service in its supply area.

Netz OÖ GmbH is committed to the sustainable treatment of the resources available to us and to exercising its social responsibility. This includes being actively involved in shaping the living environment of customers and laying the foundations for the measures that are needed to master the energy transition and combat climate change. Netz OÖ GmbH has been certified to ONR 192500:2011 “Social responsibility of organisations” (CSR) since the 2020/2021 fiscal year. The CSR goals are closely linked with the QSE management system of Netz OÖ GmbH. As with the QSE management system, internal and external audits are regularly carried out in the CSR area to review compliance with the standard and to uphold and renew certification.

As of 30 September 2023, 61,739 PV plants with an approximate installed capacity of 1,014 MW were connected to the Netz OÖ GmbH electricity grid (previous year: 39,276 PV plants, approx. 589 MW).

The integration of the mainly decentralised PV generation systems into the electricity grid provokes a high capital expenditure for adapting the grids to the additional requirements in terms of capacities and grid-balancing capability. On the basis of Upper Austria’s expansion goals for renewable energy, a significant increase in investment requirements is expected over the next 10 years. Local sourcing generates added value in Upper Austria.

The headlong rush to connect decentralised generation systems to the Netz OÖ GmbH electricity grid has led to significant expansion requirements. The widespread effectiveness of various technologies for voltage stability and output limitation solutions was analysed down to the low-voltage grid in Project 567, in order to deploy these to specific effect subsequently, see Group Management Report, Research, development and innovation. Key next steps were taken through preparatory work on the pilot phase of Industry4Redispatch and work on System Management 2.0 in order to exploit potential for flexibility while adapting the system to meet rising demands.

Important sub-projects in support of the “Electricity Grid Master Plan Upper Austria 2032”, such as the “Ohlsdorf substation” project (Electricity Grid Master Plan project no. 25), have already been completed. Other projects are currently in the implementation or planning phase. All projects pursue the objective of warranting a reliable and secure electricity supply in Upper Austria.

In light of the expected massive expansion of e-mobility and decentralised systems for electricity generation from renewable sources, the low and medium voltage grids will also have to be expanded in the years ahead.

Between now and 2028, around EUR 59.1 million will be invested into the gas grid, which is needed to support sector coupling and integration. Investments into this grid are necessary notwithstanding the planned exit from fossil energy sources due to the fact that these grids can also transport and distribute green, climate-neutral gases such as organically or artificially produced biomethane or hydrogen. Specifically, work is under way to realise the “hydrogen roadmap” of Austrian Gas Grid Management AG, which, as the distribution area manager, envisages conversion of the existing gas system for the distribution of hydrogen. The investment costs will be determined according to the results of safety-related and operational feasibility studies as well as legal feasibility and ownership-related feasibility.

In addition to the measures focusing on security and quality of supply, the distribution grid operator plays an important role in the implementation of the (renewable) energy communities (measurement and provision of measurement values for the settlement of the consumption within the community and its members etc.).

Grid losses are an indicator for the efficiency of energy supply grids and thereby for the preservation of resources during energy transportation. The use of low-loss, high-efficiency transformers in grid renovation as well as energy-efficient control, regulation and transportation systems contribute to the further reduction of grid losses.

Grid losses










Electricity grid losses









Electricity grid losses









Gas grid losses









Gas grid losses in CO2eq









In the 2022/2023 fiscal year, the losses in the electricity grid amounted to 2.68% or 206.9 GWh (previous year 2.7%/222 GWh). The gas grid losses caused by venting (cold flaring) for repairs and maintenance works amounted to 44,495 m3 in the 2022/2023 fiscal year (previous year: 10,798 m3). The gas grid losses correspond to 897.02 t of CO2eq (previous year: 217.69 t of CO2eq). Due to the number and nature of the projects, the venting quantity has increased greatly in comparison to the previous year. In the preparation and realisation of projects, Netz OÖ GmbH takes pains to minimise venting quantities. When disconnecting and venting high-pressure natural gas pipelines, gases are discharged into downstream grids through specific gas quantity controls (operational programmes). Owing to a failure in a high-pressure natural gas pipeline and subsequent urgent measures to avert danger, there was a one-time increase in the venting quantity during the 2022/2023 fiscal year which led to higher gas grid losses.

Netz OÖ GmbH publishes its Sustainability report on the company's website: Netz OÖ GmbH Sustainability Report.

Use of land

Electricity and gas are grid-bound energy sources that require corresponding pipelines and systems to transport them to consumers. As a grid operator, Netz OÖ GmbH needs to secure the right to use the necessary land parcels for cables and overhead lines that are needed for the electricity grid and for pressured pipes for the gas grid.

The company prioritises the use of public land for grids that ensure the energy supply (in the public interest) whenever possible. In most cases, however, such land for the erection and construction is not sufficiently available. This means that it is necessary to use land owned by third parties.

In the run-up to major supply line projects, a framework agreement defining the essential contract parameters is generally negotiated with the Chamber of Agriculture for Upper Austria. This guarantees the interests of affected landowners are taken into account. The use of land is pursued by concluding civil law agreements with the relevant landowners, who are compensated as appropriate.

Where a civil law agreement cannot be reached despite intensive efforts on the part of the Company, the necessary easement rights are granted by authorities in line with the legislative situation and the compensation due is determined.

The company affords maximum consideration to the settlement structure and neighbours from the planning phase onwards. It is usually possible to reach mutual agreement with regard to the use of land before constructing the necessary systems for the supply and discharge of energy.

Social responsibility of Netz OÖ GmbH

Netz OÖ GmbH performs an ESG risk analysis in the area of gas and electricity that examines issues related to social affairs, environment, work and customers in terms of the ensuing opportunities and risks to the company. Success factors have been developed for all important core CSR issues and allow for the achievement of strategic business objectives and the sustainable improvement of the product and service quality. The new requirements were integrated into the quality management system of Netz OÖ GmbH and are observed in all core activities. Yearly internal and external audits verify the effectiveness of the quality management system.

Netz OÖ GmbH is firmly committed to the major sustainability issues of the Energie AG Group. Dedicated sustainability issues were developed for a more specific presentation of Netz OÖ GmbH together with quantitative and qualitative key performance indicators to be measured were set in the form of success factors based on these issues. The business activities of Netz OÖ GmbH are focused on a positive development of the material sustainability topics and are monitored yearly on the basis of dedicated success factors. The following major sustainability issues were compiled: security and quality of supply, responsible treatment of third-party property rights, customer orientation and satisfaction, innovative services to support social developments, workplace health and safety, climate change mitigation and resource preservation, legal compliance and prevention of corruption, acting as a responsible employer, regional responsibility, and safeguarding the company value.

Netz OÖ GmbH has already implement numerous projects that align with the principle of sustainability and socially responsible action over the past years, e.g. in the area of storing solar electricity in the gas grid and protecting nature and living creatures (bird protection project: a substation is turned into a semi-natural habitat for animals). Reports on the above and ongoing projects can be found on the homepage of Netz OÖ GmbH (

In the Network Technology division, the Schalchen pilot project “E-mobility in network technology” will be expanded. A corresponding plan is currently being devised. This division has the potential to save several hundred tonnes in CO2 emissions per year, with necessary business trips accounting for approximately two million kilometres of car journeys.

When Netz OÖ GmbH transferred its head offices to a new office building, IfEA was charged with estimating the savings achieved by the move in terms of heating, final energy and primary energy as well as CO2 emissions. The result of the survey revealed that the move to the new, energy-efficient building and the significant reduction in the area used has lowered the environmental impact in terms of energy consumption.