Group-wide strategic and organisational project

To proactively address the massive changes in the underlying conditions, such as the volatile market situation, the advancing climate crisis and demographic change, a Group-wide strategy and organisational project named “LOOP” was launched in March 2023.

This project triggered active shaping of the energy transition towards a sustainable energy future. Decarbonisation and the accelerated expansion of renewable energies are just as much in the focus of this project as is an even stronger orientation on customer requirements.

In the first phase of the project between March and June 2023, strategic directional decisions were made. Concrete measures were derived and implementation began in the second project phase starting in September 2023. The implementation of further focus topics, such as expanding wind and PV-based energy generation, and advancing hydrogen technology and energy storage, was triggered, as was the further development of the future topics of e-mobility and transforming the heating supply.