Personnel and management development

A key goal is to provide targeted services to prepare employees and managers for the challenges they will face in the working world of the future. The training programme 2022/2023 offered employees a wide range of options to improve their own skills and competencies. In addition to a proven series of seminars, the programme was expanded by adding new contemporary contents, mainly in the area of methodology and media competence. One focus was on methods for optimising collaboration; at the same time, techniques for improving self-management were taught in seminars so that participants could complete their tasks in a balanced and focused manner, even in challenging times.

The learning platform EINSTEIN offers an extensive training programme and is available 24/7 to all employees and managers in Austria.

Occupational development

Occupational development










Training per employee 1)









Women 2)









Men 2)









Second management level 2)









Third management level 2)









Fourth management level 2)









Employees 2)









Performance review rate 2)



























Of which second management level









Of which third management level









Of which fourth management level









Of which employees


















Apprenticeships completed











Incl. hire personnel and apprentices, excl. training at the management academy, safety inductions and e-learning.









Fiscal year 2022/2023 excl. Czech Republic Segment







As part of Digithek 365, entertaining knowledge units on current IT topics were offered once a month on a virtual basis. Further information on the digitalisation campaign “Neuland” can be found in the section headed Business models fit for the future – innovation.

Managing directors and department heads were introduced to the topic of positive leadership in workshops and individual coaching sessions. In future, this strengths-oriented management approach will be applied at Energie AG. Accordingly, the performance review was revised so that employee dialogue is focused on strengths (excluding the Waste Management and Czech Republic Segments). As part of this project, the decision was taken to separate bonus-relevant evaluation interviews from performance reviews.

In the 2022/2023 fiscal year, the “Leadership Experience Discussion Circle” for team and group lead was continued, consisting of three yearly sessions that deal with leadership topics in small groups that are guided by a coach. The group is intended to help attendees solve problems that arise in their day-to-day leadership roles, as well as encouraging these supervisory staff to be open to bouncing ideas off each other. The “Manager Group Coaching” tool was evaluated at the level of managing directors and department heads and a new round was started.

Alongside strategy-related tasks, the strategic project “LOOP” placed a particular emphasis on cultural transformation and change management in support of the strategic realignment. Change agents were appointed in all areas of the company to influence the transformation actively, exchanging ideas in regular workshops. In performing their roles and tasks, they received professional support from change trainers. The managing directors and department heads were specifically familiarised with important skills and methods for transformation processes through upskilling formats.

PowerTalents participants completed a development programme for junior staff (the “Energie AG Management Advanced Program”) designed by the LIMAK Austrian Business School, an external partner.

Employer branding

The age structure of the employees working in the Group entities and the challenges in recruiting suitable skilled personnel call on the Energie AG Group to employ a strategically coordinated recruiting and succession management that serves the purpose of making potential employees aware of the Company and of opportunities to apply for jobs at an early stage. An employer branding campaign was launched to make interested persons aware of the range of attractive jobs and the relevant role the company plays in the energy transition. The emphasis here was on the purpose of Energie AG’s activities, thereby maintaining the focus on target groups.

The objective of the many personal conversations held at technical college and university jobs fairs, individually designed pop-up cafés and advertising tailored to social media (Instagram, TikTok) is to raise awareness of Energie AG as an employer.

To present as broad and authentic an image as possible, employees from different departments act as Corporate Influencers, reporting on their day-to-day work in short videos.

An initiative known as “Kennst wen” invites employees and retirees to draw attention to the sheer range of career opportunities at Energie AG and in their private lives, and to encourage friends, acquaintances and relatives to submit applications.

The focus in fiscal year 2022/2023 was on technical college trainees, scholarship students and summer interns. To harness the potential of this target group, two events were arranged (breakfast for summer interns plus an excursion) to offer them a more detailed insight into the range of Group activities. Various measures are in place to retain the most outstanding interns for the long term. In fiscal year 2022/2023, as part of an initiative aimed at the advancement of women, scholarships were awarded to four female technicians (two in the previous year). The scholars not only receive financial support, but can also complete internships at Energie AG and write their master’s thesis drawing on their experiences with the Company, potentially fostering strong ties between the Company and these scholars from an early stage.