Group Management Report 2022/2023 for Energie AG Oberösterreich 1), 2)

Take the opportunity to get an overview of the developments in the Energie AG Group’s various areas of activity in the Group Management Report.

1) 1) The Group Management Report presented here was prepared in accordance with the requirements of § 267 of the Austrian Commercial Code (UGB) and refers to the IFRS consolidated financial statements of Energie AG Oberösterreich in terms of § 245a UGB.

2) 2) In conformity with EU Directive 2014/95/EU on the disclosure of non-financial information and diversity information and its implementation in the Austrian Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act (NaDiVeG 2017), Energie AG prepares the Group Management Report 2022/2023 at the same time as the consolidated report on non-financial information (Non-Financial Report) 2022/2023, which is published as part of the Group Annual Report 2022/2023 and online at