Governance structure

The Energie AG Group is organised in a Group structure. Management and Group functions are pooled in the holding company. The business and service areas are organised in the form of individual companies. In addition to the line and project organisation, the Group has an established crisis and emergency management system with regular drills and meetings convened as required.

The following diagram depicts the seven business units and the four service areas as of 30 September 2023.

Energie AG Group Structure (organigram)

In defining the term “business premises”, Energie AG applies the definition of a “plant” in § 74 of the Austrian Commercial Code. Accordingly, Energie AG regards business premises to be any locally established facility that is used not just temporarily to pursue a commercial activity and which can potentially have negative impacts.

The Energie AG Group also includes Netz Oberösterreich GmbH, all sites at which administrative activities are carried out, power plants, support bases, sites belonging to the Waste Management Segment and staffed sites in the Czech Republic. Building sites and service/troubleshooting sites are not included.