Annual Report 2023/2024 Report Archive

36. Disclosures on Group management bodies

In this fiscal year, the members of the management board of Energie AG Oberösterreich were:

Dr. Leonhard Schitter MA (Chairman of the Management Board, CEO); KommR Mag. Dr. Andreas Kolar (Member of the Management Board, CFO); DI Alexander Kirchner, MBA (Member of the Management Board, CTO, since 1 August 2024); Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Stallinger MBA (Member of the Management Board, COO, until 31 March 2024).

The Supervisory Board of Energie AG Oberösterreich had the following members in the 2023/2024 fiscal year:

Provincial Councillor Markus Achleitner (Chairman); Mag. Stefan Lang PLL.M (Vice-Chairman); Dr. Heinrich Schaller (Deputy Vice-Chairman); Dr. Miriam Eder MBA; Mag. Dr. Erich Entstrasser; Mag. Dr. Christiane Frauscher; Mag. Florian Hagenauer MBA; Dipl.-Ing. Erich Haider MBA; Dr. Elisabeth Kölblinger; KommR Mag. Michaela Keplinger-Mitterlehner; Mag. Kathrin Renate Kühtreiber-Leitner MBA; Member of the Provincial Parliament Ing. Herwig Mahr; Gertrude Schatzdorfer-Wölfel; Thomas Peter Stadlbauer MSc MBA MPA.

Appointed by the Works Council: Ing. Peter Neißl MBA MSc; Pamela Neuer (since 25 January 2024), Edith Schatzdorfer (until 24 January 2024); Edith Schmid; Ing. Bernhard Steiner; Christian Strobl; Gerhard Störinger; Andreas Walzer.

Linz, 2 December 2024

The Management Board of Energie AG Oberösterreich

Dr. Leonhard Schitter, CEO (signature)

Dr. Leonhard Schitter MA

Dr. Andreas Kolar, CFO (signature)

Dr. Andreas Kolar

Dipl.-Ing. Alexandra Kirchner MBA, CTO (signature)

Dipl-Ing. Alexander Kirchner MBA