Annual Report 2023/2024 Report Archive

1. General disclosures

The Energie AG Oberösterreich Group is a modern and competitive energy and service provider in the Energy, Grid, Waste Management, Czech Republic and Holding & Services Segments.

The parent company of the Group is Energie AG Oberösterreich (Company Register No. 76532y) with registered office at Böhmerwaldstraße 3 in Linz, Austria.

The consolidated financial statements of Energie AG Oberösterreich for the 2023/2024 fiscal year were drawn up in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), as they were required to be applied as of the reporting date, as well as in accordance with the interpretations of the International Financial Reporting Committee (IFRIC) as adopted by the European Union. The fiscal year runs from 1 October to 30 September.

The present Consolidated Financial Statements according to the IFRS release the company from its obligation under § 245 a of the Austrian Commercial Code to prepare consolidated annual financial statements in keeping with the Austrian Commercial Code. Whenever the Austrian Commercial Code so requires, additional disclosures are made in the respective notes.

The figures in the Consolidated Financial Statements are reported thousands of euros (EUR 1,000). The use of automated calculation systems may give rise to rounding differences when adding up rounded figures and percentages.