Risks and opportunities

Despite continuing, tense energy industry and political framework conditions, prices for electricity and gas on both the spot and forward markets fell in the first half of the 2022/2023 fiscal year. This resulted in an improved risk position for Energie AG with respect to this item.

Further to this, the climatic conditions and general climate policy and imminent regulatory changes have a significant impact on the risks and opportunities of Energie AG. In the reporting period, the large number of emergency regulations in EU energy policy and the upheavals on the energy markets also led to numerous legislative measures in Austria. The company is intensively addressing these issues in order to minimise risk and leverage opportunities.

Due to its diversified and robust business portfolio and its high level of resilience, the Group’s risk position is stable. Energie AG relies on a holistic risk management strategy aimed at identifying and minimising potential risks at an early stage. In the first half of the 2022/2023 fiscal year, no risks were identified at Energie AG that, either individually or collectively, would have the potential to jeopardize the continued existence of the company.

For more details on the risks and opportunities situation, see the Notes to the Semi-Annual Consolidated Financial Statements, Section 8. Management of risks and opportunities.

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