Unit |
1st HY |
1st HY |
Change |
Sales revenues |
EUR mill. |
1,209.8 |
1,107.1 |
9.3% |
Operating result (EBIT) |
EUR mill. |
118.5 |
77.1 |
53.7% |
EBIT-margin |
% |
9.8 |
7.0 |
40.0% |
Financial result |
EUR mill. |
-11.1 |
-13.2 |
15.9% |
Earnings before taxes |
EUR mill. |
107.5 |
63.9 |
68.2% |
Investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets |
EUR mill. |
69.9 |
75.3 |
-7.2% |
Cash flow from operating activities |
EUR mill. |
164.9 |
21.9 |
– |
Cash flow from investing activities |
EUR mill. |
-96.8 |
-115.8 |
16.4% |
Cash flow from financing activities |
EUR mill. |
-58.6 |
83.9 |
– |
In the reporting period, the Energie AG Group generated sales revenues in the amount of EUR 1,209.8 million (previous year: EUR 1,107.1 million). The increase in sales revenues mainly related to the Energy Segment.
The Group's operating result increased by EUR 41.4 million from EUR 77.1 million to EUR 118.5 million. The increase in the operating result is primarily attributable to EBIT improvements in the Energy (EUR +18.7 million), Grid (EUR +8.1 million) and Waste Management (EUR +13.6 million) Segments.
The increase in the operating result in the Energy Segment results from hydraulic and thermal electricity generated, procurement rights in hydropower plants, trading optimisation in the Trading business unit and from the Sales business unit. In the reporting period, a provision for onerous contracts in connection with the 7Fields gas storage facility was recognised in the amount of EUR 6.7 million (previous year: impairments of EUR 7.2 million).
In the Grid Segment, the operating result increased from EUR 27.5 million to EUR 35.6 million. This increase is mainly attributable to higher transported electricity volumes and tariff adjustments.
The Waste Management Segment generated an EBIT of EUR 20.4 million, which is EUR 13.6 million above the previous year (EUR 6.8 million). The increase results from reversals of impairment in the area of thermal plants in the amount of EUR 3.5 million, higher contribution margins from the treatment of hazardous waste, construction waste and waste wood, higher electricity and recyclable material prices, impairments in the previous period in the amount of EUR 2.4 million, and income from the sale of a property.
In the Czech Republic Segment, an operating result in the amount of EUR 6.9 million was generated in the reporting period (previous year: EUR 7.2 million).
The operating result of the Holding & Services Segment was EUR 5.0 million in the reporting period, an increase of 35.1% on the previous year's value of EUR 3.7 million.
In the reporting period, investments in intangible assets and property, plant and equipment amounted to EUR 69.9 million (previous year: EUR 75.3 million). With a share of 51.1%, the Grid Segment accounted for the largest part. Investments in the Holding & Services Segment include expanding the fibre-optic cable network.
Investments in intangible assets and property, plant and equipment by Segments
1st HY 2020/2021; previous year's figures in brackets
The amount of financial liabilities as of 31 March 2021 was EUR 593.1 million (30 September 2020: EUR 597.6 million).
Cash flow from operating activities in the first half of the 2020/2021 fiscal year was EUR 164.9 million, compared with EUR 21.9 million in the previous year. The increase results from the higher earnings and from payment receipts from hedging transactions (previous year: payments for hedging transactions).
The financial result is EUR -11.1 million (previous year: EUR -13.2 million). Financing expenses are at the level of the previous year, while the other financial result of the previous year was burdened by expenses from the market valuation of securities.