Annual Report
As the company’s core business area, the Energy Segment spans electricity generation, electricity procurement, electricity and natural gas sales, and heat supply.
Energy SegmentThe Grid Segment encompasses the construction and operation of the Netz Oberösterreich GmbH electricity and natural gas grid in Upper Austria and parts of Lower Austria, Styria and Salzburg.
Grid SegmentThe Waste Management segment offers integrated waste management and custom-designed waste management solutions to its customers in Austria and Northern Italy.
Waste Management SegmentThe Czech Republic segment offers comprehensive drinking water supply and wastewater management services in the Czech Republic. The business models include concession, operator and service contracts; water, waste water and heating services.
Czech Republic SegmentThe Holding & Services Segment comprises the telecommunications business unit, commercial and technical services for the entire Group and external customers, and a number of investments consolidated at equity.
Holding & Services SegmentInterview with the Management Board

„The LOOP strategy is at the very heart of our transformation towards climate neutrality, pointing the way the sustainable future of Energie AG Oberösterreich. To do this, we are implementing targeted actions that satisfy both what is required by law and the ever-rising expectations of our customers. Our innovative drive, digitalisation and corporate culture that promotes change and agility are the key to transforming today’s challenges into tomorrow’s opportunities for a sustainable future.“
Pumped-storage power plant EbenseeBiggest single investment in the history of Energie AG

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